Further thoughts

3) Examine the issue of cultural appropriation within a domain of beauty, fashion or music industry. Why are some communities cautious of, or against this practice?

Nowadays, the debate of cultural appropriation is not hard to find. We often see celebrities used others culture to perform or as their inspiration of making their songs. Making the other people's culture into their main theme to preform a show. It is not only seen in music and also fashion, beauty and even animation. It is true that now people want to break away from traditional to a new creative way of showing it. But is it true that this can be used freely?

Why are some people refusing and against this act? It is because they steal something away that something that is precious away from them, or is it because this is an act of no respect. They think it will cause the misunderstand to their culture, turning the meaning of their culture into something else. If we turn the other way around, this could be a breaking point for others to know more about their culture. This can bring awareness to the culture, preventing the culture from extinction. So the debate comes in cultural appropriation vs cultural appreciation, seeing it as two different things.

5) Explore a variety of media used within the context of branding or transmedia storytelling. Does variety dilute the effectiveness of an advertising campaign or story?

In this new age of technology, wide range of media has been introduce to use. It has grown stronger, and it has become part of us. Media were used in advertising and branding, helping them to drag attention. But they used it in a more creative ways like, making games, videos, installations to communicate with their users. They try to sell their product from different media, to reach their users. 

By looking into one of my experience, there were installations of shampoo sunslik place in malls. The installation is about using their product will make your hair look smooth and healthy. So the users able to blow into the hole, and the screen will show an animation of the lady's hair flowing. If they reach a point, a small pack of shampoo will be given to the user. There are many ways they can sell their product, but will this confuse their users/costumer? Does this make them lose their identity of their brand?   

Final decision, I will pick question 3 to research a further in-depth about this topic.


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