The dark side of appropriation and bright side appreciation

Appropriation start from a long ago in history, some music are taken from the others and we don't even know the story behind it. But in the processes of appropriating, there are slight brightness in every darkness. Let me show a song in that long history, where a song that show both the dark side of appropriation and the bright side of appreciation.

In my childhood the song "The lion sleep tonight", is a really popular song. According my research the song is also called "Mbube" and "Wimoweh", Mbube which means "lion", It was a hunting song originally sung in Zulu in what is now Swaziland. It was written in the 1920s, by Solomon Linda, a South African singer of Zulu origin (Malan, 2012). 

The First version of "Mbube" in year 1920s

After this song is adapt by other music artist, this song become a disaster because is been change into several names like "Wimoweh". Which turn the whole meaning "lion" away. In the history this song is being change a several times, the original lyrics were warped into gibberish because none of the American singers could understand the words. Until "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" sung by Token, where the true meaning is return. 

Although the song and the word "Mbube" appropriated from the Zulu, but it is also appreciated by use it with its true meanings. These song is also a popular among the black audiences, and it become a hit in the market. People a appreciated and enjoy this song, because in that particular time many American are searching for non-political music.

The song "Lion sleeps tonight" in year 1961

There are also a few more songs which is provide below, as some important songs in the history with the dark and bright side of appropriation:
  • "Tutti Frutti" by Pat Boone, 1955
  • "Tumbling Dice" by the Rolling Stones, 1972
  • "Norwegian Wood" by the Beatles, 1965 (Beaudoin, 2015)

Beaudoin, K (2015) '11 Songs Prove the History of Music Is All About Cultural Appropriation'. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 July 2017]

Harvey, G (2015) 'Story of a Song – The Lion Sleeps Tonight'. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 5 July 2017]

Malan, R (2000) 'In the jungle' [Online]. Available at:[Accessed 5 July 2017]

Malan, R (2012) 'The Lion Sleep tonight'. Broadway, Newyork [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 5 July 2017]

Songfacts (n.d.) 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' . [Online] Available at:  [Accessed 5 July 2017]


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